Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Trip to Chicago

So I decided to take a trip. I felt so stressed out with my life and that everything was just too much to handle and I needed a vacation. I felt the need to get away for a while. I thought about where to go and at first I thought about going to Stillwater to visit my friend Becca but she wasn't there that weekend which was the weekend before Halloween. Then I thought about going to Norman to visit my friend Kayla but she wasn't going to be there either. Then I thought about going to Nashville for the weekend and going to the Tennessee game or just hanging out with my aunt and uncle in Murfreesboro or visiting my friend Linley. I checked the flights to Nashville and it was no go. I couldn't get there or get back. So then I sat at the computer and thought about where to go. Then I remembered I could go to Chicago and fly straight there. I didn't have classes Friday so I thought to go Friday but then I decided to go Saturday and either day was free and I didn't want to spend the night in Chicago by myself. I just wanted to go somewhere by myself and not have to think about tests or papers or any of my responsibilities that were going on for just a day or two. So the flights were almost empty there were so few people flying on Saturday and getting back was the same way. So I asked my dad and he said yes and so I got up pretty early on a Saturday morning and got on the airplane and in an hour and a half I was in Chicago. I was fine and I had made it all by myself! So I did good getting off and getting on the train and I knew exactly which train to get on and which stop to get off on. Well of course I thought it would be smoothe sailing but of course it wasn't.

I had left the map that my mom had given me at home and it was a great map and I had memorized it and knew exactly where to turn once I came out of the train station. That was just one thing that happened. Then when I got off the train I had a moment of panic because I realized I really was in Chicago and it was a lot bigger than I remembered for some reason. Probably because I was all by myself in a big time and last time I had been there I was with my mom and dad and Katie. So I just took a deep breath and went into one of the many places they have there right by the train and asked someone for directions. Good thing about Chicago is that most people will be nice and give you directions. So then I got my directions and then I headed for State street. I met a nice guy named Clarence who lived at the Salvation Army and the only reason I talked to him because he commented on my Tulsa hoody that I had worn that day. I gave him a dollar and then went on my way. So I had gotten a little turned around because I didn't have my map and I was going North on State street instead of south like the time I had been there before and that was because we had a hotel and just walked up State street going south. So I was slightly turned around but I knew where I was when I saw the 7 story Macy's they have on State Street :) It seriously is overwhelming. I went into the Macy's and right as I walked in there was a sparkly pink purse right there on the display and it literally screamed at me to buy it! It was a Betsey Johnson bag which my sister has a couple of those and I liked her bags. So that was my big splurge of the day because I felt it was there for me haha :) I spent a lot of time in Macy's because hello SEVEN STORIES!!! Like my size of clothing was on the FIFTH floor, yeah the fifth floor :) It was amazing!!!! So then I got out of there and realized how much time I had spent there haha. So then I knew where I was and I went over to where the Forever 21 was and what is really cool is that the Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, and Charlotte Russe were all right together on State St. but I didn't have time so I just headed to the Red Line because I really really wanted to go up to Wrigley Field and see the stadium but on my way to the Red Line I discovered a Disney Store so of course I had to go in there. I got Christmas ornaments and it was actually smaller than the one in Tulsa so I didn't stay in there very long.

So then I got on the Red Line and headed up to Wrigley Field. I got off and I turned right and BAM! there it was! It is really cool and I really really wanna go to a game there really soon! So my dad had told me about this sports bar that was right there by the stadium so I saw it and went in and guess what? I wasn't allowed to eat there because I wasn't 21! Argghhh I'm so close lol :) So I walked a little further down and found this place called the Cubby Bar and Grill and went in there and had the BEST burger of my life because at this point I was starving!!! Plus it was really cool they had all these tvs and there was football on of course and fun fact from Chicago; So in Oklahoma we have Big 12 and SEC kind of because of where we are located, well in Chicago it was all of the Big Ten games that they never show in Oklahoma so I thought that was interesting because I kinda forgot they were in Big 10 territory so that was kind of a cool location thing that I liked. So I ate my burger and chilled for a while which I was tired from all the walking around even in new tennis shoes my feet were tired, not hurting just tired. So I just chilled there and then after I was done I headed back to the train station and I had seen a store that sold all things Chicago sports and went in and bought a new Cubs tshirt which was my last purchase of the day. So then I got back on the train and headed back to the airport but of course I had to switch from the red line to the blue line trains to get back to O'Hare. I did that with no problem! Then I rode the train back to O'Hare and got back on the plane and came home!

I seriously enjoyed my time there! Even with a few bumps along the road which a couple I can't mention in this post but let's just say it was a moment where I actually NEEDED my mom haha :) But anyways I did it and I did it all by myself and it was incredible and I really wanna go back and maybe spend the night next time because now I feel like I could spend a night in Chicago by myself and have no problems :) Going to Chicago made me feel a little braver and I got out of my comfort zone in a big way but guess what? I knew I could do it and I did it and I really think everyone should do something like I did. I'm not saying go to Chicago but sometime it's really nice just to go somewhere away and not have to think about how stressful life is. For those of you that are my age, do your "running away" time now because it will be a little more difficult once you are married and have a family. I really felt brave and it really helped my confidence and my sense of direction really kicked in haha :) I can't wait to do it again and next time I will go and have more time and hopefully more money haha :)

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